Marc Petit's characters have acted and taken pains, they have embraced and lamented, they have searched and lost, they have looked for themselves and lost themselves. They are not the ingenuous of the first mornings of the world, they are the returnees that life brews. They have come back, but they have not returned, returned from everything. No moral, no moral to the fable. They are there, between two moments, between two times, conjugating the past and the future, suspended in an undecidable moment. Who can, before them, really know if things have been done or are to be done? If their life is played out or if they will play it out?
With their moonlit heads, they are disarmed and disarming. Without commiseration, without pathos, without lessons. They are good-natured, good-natured, not stupid but absurd. Absurd in the philosophical sense: they could not be. Their existence is not justified by an end, it simply is. These men and women exist. That is all. Is that all it is? Yes, Marc Petit tells us, but it is already a lot.
Colin Lemoine
From March 15 to June 25, the Espace Maurice Rollinat in Vierzon will present sculptures in a place that is conducive to a scenography offering an intimate dialogue between the works and their viewers. Opening in Vierzon on Friday, March 17 at 6pm.
From March 18 to June 25, more monumental works by Marc Petit will be presented in the outdoor spaces of the Galerie Capazza in Nançay.
With this double exhibition, the power of the work of this immense expressionist artist takes all its meaning. It is a deep humanity that kneads the bronze of his sculptures, whether they are monumental or more intimate. They are shaped, modelled and animated by these furrows of life, an organic work that pushes us and digs deep into ourselves.
Opening hours of the exhibition: