Fanny Ferré, Apparitions
July 8 - September 10

opening july 8 from 3pm to 8pm


"For three years, I couldn't work anymore, it didn't make sense. I didn't have a subject anymore. I didn't believe in it anymore. I had the impression that I had done everything.
Now, it's been going on for six months, and I needed something from outside. For me, what happened was an apparition.
These are all my characters that I have already done, but with an external element that comes to disturb them, to shake them up in their daily life ".
It is on this theme that I was able to start again. I feel like I'm living again, like I've opened a new door.»


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"Fanny believes as an earthling and as a woman in the purity of this flesh. Her creatures, in an exchange of breaths, whisper the ancient secret of the world. All of them call for a supple tact, an airy palm, whose curve preserves its softness, as if to shelter them from too much brightness and preserve their modesty. The artist does not magnify his subjects, preserving for them the rough appearance of vagabonds. But an ascendancy of energy haloed these lines of nomads: the prowess of their faces comes from this agreement of a harshness without flattery, and a majesty that imposes its law. A characterized individuality (clarity of the glance, projection of the cheekbones, arc of the lips) evokes the moving personalization of a portrait. They are a desire of humanity. An act of love. As if, in each one, the whole community was pulsating. The themes, so simply prosaic, seized in the ordinary life, say the acuity of the sculptor; because the anecdote of origin becomes motive of the first ages where rustle the oracles. The model, from then on, accuses the fabulous character of a realistic subject, exalting it in mythical figure of Erinye, of Gorgon, of Parque. A story without voice runs through them. These scenes are tales. Silent theaters. They leave to the visitor the joy to break the circle. To join the agape. The earth, the feverish earth, can write the tenderness and hunger of existence."

Paloma Hermine Hidalgo
extract from the forthcoming monograph


The gallery is open on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays
10am - 12:30pm / 2:30pm - 7pm
and by appointment all year round

Exceptional openings : friday, july 14th - monday 14 and tuesday august 15th

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