Eliane Larus

Présent, passé, imparfait

until 23 June

« I believe that my painting is neither happy nor sad: above all, it tries to express life.
It's a close combination of the serious and the playful
and, technically, between the raw and the refined, between doing and undoing


«When it comes to portraits, I'm not concerned with realism.
On the contrary, I need to stand back and transform everything.
My faces are treated flat, like masks deprived of volume.
I'm looking for a sense of distance.
The drawing is precise, I try to free it from anecdote
through a more detailed formal study.

"I turned to cutting to get away from the established formats and discover another space.
Wood seems more alive to me than a primed canvas; you can pierce it, play with the relief,
You can pierce it, play with the relief, scratch it with a knife, add things with resin that welds to the fibres.
My wood cut-outs always have two sides:
positive side coloured in relief,
negative side painted on a black background, with a rudimentary design and colours.
This could be seen as ambiguity, the primitive duality of the tragic and the comic,
of shadow and light.


Find all the works of Éliane Larus by clicking on the images above

The gallery is open on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
10am - 12.30pm / 2.30pm - 7pm

and by appointment all year round

Special opening

1 May, 8-9-10 May and 20 May

For a better view, please turn your smartphone.