LARUS Eliane, painting, sculpture, permanent artist of Galerie Capazza since 1997

“Placed between the grave and the derisory, between the cultural and the raw (she has been supported by Jean Dubuffet when beginning), the universe of Eliane Larus is marked as much by the homsickness of the childhood as worried about plastic researches. Paintings or sculptures, her works are the collection of a poetic emotion. (…)

" Can the adventure of the pictorial go farther " wonders the artist at the moment? Daily hitched in her easel, she never stops proving that it is less a question, for her, of moving than to testify. To say to us and to repeat us that to be born it is to get lost, and that to dazzle is to be, indeed demands to ignore fashions. This painting is not a luxury but a necessity. To the painter Paul Gauguin, asking at the beginning of the XXth century " Who are we, where do we come from, where do we go ", each of the works of Larus answers that we Are. And that it is enormous”.

Françoise Monnin

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