Pollens (2020)

Oil on paper mounted on canvas

100 x 100 cm

4 000 €


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TEXEDRE Coco, painting, Permanent artist of the Capazza Gallery since 2007

“The letters drift like murmurs throughout Coco Texedre’s canvasses. Threads of ink which flow unendingly, replete with repetitions, citations, bifurcations and lacunae. A weft of threads which are at times woven loosely, then tightly knit into tiny signs that twist and turn and twirl into harmonoius movement and colour. In this landscape of disguised letters, unfurl page after page of the unutterable : the neverending spirals of pain, the little sounds twilled from daily clamour and weariness ; words heretofore held back, hushed or snuffed out but which hum and drone nonetheless. Torn and angry statements which in the end, become the weft of the fabric of life itself - ink as the vital substance, the slough of the reptile skin - the scarified face of the world”.
Florence Guibert Fourré

“Writing, as a book or as a roll, takes us back to the beginning, willingly or not. Can we say coco Texedre’s work is about that? Maybe not. Particulary as this writing, very often illegible, is scribbled on a surface that ressembles paper. There are marks, stains, lines and scribbling. All this is a world of inscription. This is, far from the beginning, where Coco Texedre’s path originates. The artist shows how his inscripting process is set up”.
Gérald Moralès

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