« Transmutation is this mysterious process whereby anything that has been lived, received, ingrained, even unconsciously, is then altered within oneself, and then distilled as if in an alembic : such that an essence evaporates, and another materializes. Something stripped of the anecdotal comes into being.
This process needs a burning fire: the fire of desire, which smolders, spreads, explodes, boils over or irrupts ».
Eve Luquet,
Born in Paris, in 1954.
Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts, in Paris (studio Jean-Marie Granier).
Practise the drawing, the engraving (sandbank point on copper mainly) and the painting, oil and emulsion on canvas. The recurring themes of her work are: the light, the vegetable world as the fabric living, trees or herbs, the water, elements, and also the human body. It is not about representation, about "landscape" or about "nudes" but rather about internal images, which at the same time carry a symbolic aspect and arouse the dream to the one who looks. The purpose is not to represent the world, but to make visible the breath which drives her, the energy.
In 2009-2010, the " paths of light ": vertical trajectory of light which crosses and illuminates the opacity.
2014 Laurence Mauguin Editions, engravings, Paris, France
2012 Lycée Alphonse Daudet, engravings, paintings, Sudestampe, Nîmes, France
Galerie Nabokov, paintings, engravings, Paris, France
2011 Centre d’Art JM Granier, engravings, Lasalle, France
Editions L. Mauguin, engravings, Paris, France
2010 Association Artstarté, paintings, Paris, France
Galerie Capazza, Nançay : paintings, France
2009 Galerie 89, Viaduc des Arts, drawings, engravings, Paris, France
Galerie bleue, collège Val d'Adour, drawings, engravings, Riscle, France
2007 Galerie Arstarté, Paris : drawings, engravings, artist’s books, France
Médiathèque of Ganges, engravings, artists’s books, Hérault, France
2006 Galerie Traverses, drawings, Mers-les-bains, France
Chapelle de Fitou, drawings et engravings, Corbières, France
2005 Centre d'Art " le Village " drawings, Cardet, France
2004 Galerie du bout du monde, drawings, Saint Hippolyte du Fort, France
2002-2003-2004 Exposition chez Pierre Parat, drawings, Paris, France
2001 Galerie l'Oeil nu, drawings, Alès, France
Radevormwald, drawings et engravings, Germany
1999 Galerie André Biren, engravings, Paris, France
Chapelle romane de Balazuc, paintings et engravings, Ardèche, France
1997 Maison Mansart, paintings et drawings, Pari, France s
Galerie Anima, engravings, Lézat, France
1995 Galerie J. Debaights, engravings, Paris, France
1993 Galerie Jeanine, engravings, Lyon (France) & Lausanne (Switzerland)
1990 Maison Mansart, Paintings, Paris, France
1989 Maison Mansart, pastels et engravings, Paris, France
1985 Galerie Muscade, engravings, Paris, France
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