RIGHI (Kulm, 1797 m.), François (Lyon, 1946).
François Righi edits for years books with limited edition as the designer, engraver, sometimes the author, and often the printer. He participates in numerous international shows and fairs and his works are present in many public collections in France and abroad. He summarizes his route in a few words: «Spanish Ballet dance with José Torres at the end of the 60s. Three thousand kilometers on foot on the heights of the Sierra Madre in Mexico, in 1974. Then, thirty five years of Berry seedings in the reflection of Blake's garden to Felpham. Artist, peacocklogist, images and books maker… Born in Lyon, Maurice Scève's homeland, in 1496-1946.
François Righi was born in 1946 in Lyon. He entered the École nationale des Beaux-Arts in Lyon in 1962 and two years later the École des Arts appliqués in Paris.
During his stay in Paris, he also trained in dance, first Spanish classical with José Torres then contemporary in 1966 with Christiane de Rougemont.
In 1974, he began a 3,000 km walking trip to the western Sierra Madre in Mexico. During his stay with the Huichol Indians, he wrote a text that was to be his first publication, Flèche-en-ciel, which came out in 1975.
The book then became a place of total creation, in perpetual renewal. Around the birth of each book gravitates a set of works from which he proceeds, or, conversely, to which he renews: drawings, engravings, paintings, collages, or even installations... In 1986 he founded his own publishing house, Le Tailleur d'images, which later became D'ailleurs-l'image and was finally entitled Les livres sont muets in 2008.
Today, François Righi has produced more than a hundred books, unique or printed on precious papers and using artisanal techniques. All of his works can be found in major public and private institutions, both in France and abroad (Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Luxembourg, United States, South Africa).
Read moreOne Month - One Artist is a monthly event to make you discover the artists of the gallery.
Find the one dedicated to François Righi published in September 2019, to download here
2021 Enfances, collective exhibition, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Claesen & Courtois & Righi & Bambagioni, La Borne
2020 OSIRIS, book & installations, Contemporary Art Center of Saint-Restitut
2019 Art Paris, Grand Palais, Paris, Galerie Capazza
Christmas Sale, Atelier Michael Woolworth, Paris
L’arbre c’est le temps rendu visible, collective exhibition, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
The Drawing People, exhibition at the Woolworth workshop, Paris
2019 Nulla dies sine linea, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
2015 Maison Rouge, Paris
2014 Bibliothèque Part-Dieu, Lyon
2013 Galerie Despalles, Paris
2012 Les Temps modernes, Orléans
2011 Roues combinatoires, Librairie l’Esperluète, Chartres
Roanne, within the framework of the 2nd exhibition of the creative edition and the book of artist
2010 Feux personnels, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Promenade dans un enclos, Espace François-Auguste Ducros, Grignan
Galerie l’Espace du dedans, Lille
2009 Promenade dans un enclos, Espace Ducros, Grignan
2007 Des livres, le spectre d’une exposition impossible (dédicace James Lee Byars), Médiathèque, Roanne
2006 Taurides, Galerie L’Espace du dedans, Lille
2005 Livres parlants, livres muets, miroirs (1975-2005), Bibliothèque des Quatre Piliers, Bourges, : «
2004 Toute figure est monde (avec J.-C. Mattrat), Musée Alfred Canel, Pont-Audemer
L’univers à l’aune Lallemant, Hôtel Lallemant, Bourges (présentation du livre de Robert Marteau et F. R. Le Miroir volatil).
2003 Plumes de paon et autres exagérations, Galerie Lithos/Art contemporain, Saint-Restitut
1998 Les livres de F.R., Librairie-Galerie Architypographies, Bordeaux
Portraits, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
1997 François Righi / Les livres, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Trouvez Hortense, Galerie Philippe Casini, Paris
Les livres de François Righi, Médiathèque, Châteauroux
1995 Les livres de François Righi, Médiathèque, Bourges
1993 Contrôle paonalogique, Espace d'Art contemporain Camille Lambert, Juvisy-sur-Orge
1992 Le Songe d'un paonophile, Château d'Eau, Bourges (Association A.P.O.)
Le corps du symbole, Galerie Philippe Casini, Paris
Galerie Siyah-Beyaz, Ankara
1991 Summa Pavonica, F.R.A.C. Limousin, Limoges
1990 Similitudes, Galerie Philippe Casini, Paris
1989 Galerie Philippe Casini (avec Osman et Jean Zuber), Paris
Brandan's last voyage, Galerie Capazza, Nançay,
Château des Ducs de Mortemart, Mortemart (F.R.A.C. Limousin)
1988 François Righi, livres et travaux (1975-1988), Espace Vézère, Uzerche
1987 Danger / paon, Galerie Philippe Casini, Paris
1986 A propos d'Orients (avec Bambagioni), Centre d'expositions, La Borne
Fragment sur le paon bleu, Librairie-Galerie La Proue, Lyon
Pavo : un livre, un espace, Bibliothèque Municipale, Mulhouse
1985 Rêves sur une rencontre abrupte, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
1982 Les rendez-vous de François Righi, Galerie La Passerelle, Paris
Les livres gravés de François Righi, Galerie du Temps cassé, Bordeaux
Quatre-vingt-une lettres à Victor Segalen, Galerie La Passerelle, Paris
1979 Voyage aux cavernes du ciel, galerie André Biren, Paris
1978 Madrid, Galerie De La Mota
1977 Munich, Kunstverein (avec Walter Zacharias) Paris
Du fil des heures aux signes caractéristiques, Galerie André Biren
1976 Le Barnabooth et autres bêtes modernes, Amsterdam, Galerie Da Costa
1975 Flèche-en-ciel, Atelier Luc & Pascale Moreau, Paris
1974 Librairie-Galerie Decître (avec François Bouillon), Lyon
1967 Galerie L'Art et la Vie, Lyon
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