The themes which mark out my engraver's route are bound to the cycle of the life: seeding, birth, meeting, break, metamorphosis … I never have preconceived image in head at the time of the first confrontation with the brass plate. I let the drawing come to me, provoking it with the gouache and diverse tools. I evolve between abstraction and representation, the tracks of gouache left on the plate are then down again slowly and accuracy by the burin. The reflection and the control of the engraved line overlap in the spontaneity and in the unpredictable of the painted line.
Being an engraver is for me a way to capture the fleeting signs of life and to transcribe them on copper. First of all, there is the time of the watchman: waiting, listening, availability. The gesture is suspended above the plate, the hand extended by a tool (brush, chalk...) which will be able to restore all the spontaneity and the speed of a thought in movement. Then comes the time of the "scribe-decryptor" with his meticulous, tense gesture, which redoes choices, cancels or exalts the slightest trace.
For this tender and joyful meditation, the burin is my favourite tool. This poetic approach to the world is lived as close as possible to oneself with the hope of reappearing to others and being able, as Henri Michaux wished, "to exchange secrets in a few natural features like a handful of twigs".
I do not draw from nature. I let the image come to me, working simultaneously on several brass instruments at the same time, erasing and resuming the line. I often situate myself in an intermediate place between figuration and abstraction where chance and imagination have their place. This is why I offer to others a poetic image of the world that remains, for me, very often an enigma.
Nathalie Grall
Nathalie Grall graduated from the Institut d'Arts Visuels d'Orléans in 1984. It is from that year that she decides to devote herself essentially to engraving with burin.
Two years later, she graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts in Paris.
In 1989, she was awarded the Grav'x Prize and in 1992 the Young Engraver Prize at the Salon d'Automne.
At the beginning of the 2000s, in 2005 and 2007, she was twice awarded the 3rd prize at the Saint Maur Biennial.
In 2009, during the Year of France in Brazil, Nathalie Grall is a guest artist in residence in São Paulo.
In 2013, she received the Incen-rage prize from the Academy of Fine Arts of Paris. The same year, Nathalie Grall is the guest of honour at the 55th exhibition of original "Pointe et burin" engravings organised by the Taylor Foundation in Paris. Foundation which awarded her the Paul Gonnand Prize two years later.
In 2017, the Taylor Foundation awards her the Arches-Antalis Prize.
Many of his works have joined public collections such as the BNF in Paris or the Chalcographie de Madrid.
One Month - One Artist is a monthly event to make you discover the artists of the gallery.
Find the one dedicated to Nathalie Grall published in November 2019, to download here
2019-2020 L'air de rien, Musée du Dessin et de l'Estampe de Gravelines
2016 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
2015 Galerie Patricia Oranin, Pont L’Abb
2014 Galerie l’Echiquier, « L’année des parapluies », Paris
Musée Goya, Castres
2013 Feuilles gravées, Médiathèque J. Lévy, Lille
2012 Galerie Espace du dedans, Lille
Espace Vincent Legendre, Artothèque de Compiègne
2011 Galerie Eva Doublet, St-Georges-du-Bois
Galerie Espace du dedans, Lille
Brésil, regards superposés : N. Grall & C. Keun, Galerie Michèle Broutta, Paris
2010 Galerie J.C. Cazaux, Biarritz
2009 Médiathèque de Saint-Herblain
2008 Galerie Espace du dedans, Lille
Nathalie Grall et Hervé Robillard, Galerie Lasécu, Lille
2007 Exil, coqs et autres métaphores, Galerie Michèle Broutta, Paris
2006 Gravures et gouaches, Galerie Godar, Lille
2005 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
2004 Gravures, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
2003 Gravures, lavis et collages, Galerie Michèle Broutta, Paris
2002 Gravures et dessins, Galerie Michèle Broutta, Paris
Read more2021 Binômes, hommage à Hiroko Okamoto
Enfances, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
2020 Le torse d’une femme a la pureté d’un vase, grandes courbes simples d’un fruit désiré, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
2019 L’arbre c’est le temps rendu visible, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Re-Naissance[s] – May 24th to August 25th, Hôtel Goüin, Tours
Antica Namur 2019 – November 9th to 17th Hall 1 booth D19, Galerie Capazza, Belgium
2018 Miroir des Sentiments, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Antica Namur 2018 – November 2018, Galerie Capazza, Belgium
2017 Il est grand temps de rallumer les étoiles, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Antica Namur 2017 – November 2017, Galerie Capazza, Belgium
2016 Vénus et Vulcain, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Antica Namur 2016 – November 2016, Galerie Capazza, Belgium
2015 Ensemble depuis 40ans, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
2013 Michèle Broutta, l'édition exemplaire(s) - des gravures fantastiques de S. Dali aux burins fantasques de N. Grall, Musée du dessin et de l'estampe originale, Gravelines
International Workshop of Graphic Art, Osijek (Croatie)
Salon Pointe et Burin, Fondation Taylor, Paris
Matières à réflexion, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Salon Peintres et graveurs français, Paris
2011 Salon International de l'Estampe et du Dessin, Grand Palais, Paris
2010 Salon Pointe et Burin, Fondation Taylor, Paris
2009 Euro estampe, Lorient
Biennale de l’estampe de St-Maur
La gravure et les arbres, Galerie Michèle Broutta, Paris
Impressions, Gravura brasiliera, Sao Paulo (Brésil)
Fondamentaux plastiques, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
1986 Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, France
1989 Bibliothèque Municipale, Orléans France
1990 Ville de Paris France
Musée de St-Maur France
1997 Conseil Général du Nord France
Artothèque de La-Roche/Yon France
1999 Bibliothèque de Lille France
Bibliothèque de Dunkerque France
2000 Musée de l’hospice St-Roch, Issoudun, France
2002 Conseil Général des Yvelines, France
2003 Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, France
2006 Bibliothèque de Dunkerque, France
2008 Médiathèque de Saint-Herblain, France
2009 Chalcographie de Madrid, Spain
Read more1988 YEATS (W.B), THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE. Orléans, Edition du Palimpseste, six gravures au burin, 47 exemplaires
1989 ÉPHÉMÉRIDES, douze gravures au burin, 30 exemplaires
1991 FARGUE (L.P), A PROPOS DE DEBUSSY. St-Pryvé, Eric Lefebvre Éditeur, Frontispice gravé au burin, 30 exemplaires
1992 GRAINE DE LUCIOLE, neuf gravures au burin et diamant, 27 exemplaires
1993 NOTULES DE COCON. Paris, Michèle Broutta Éditeur, douze gravures au burin et diamant, 10 exemplaires
1996 BRUISSEMENT D’ELLE. Paris, Michèle Broutta Éditeur, neuf gravures au burin et fraise électrique, 20 exemplaires
1998 DHAINAUT (P), PLUS PRÈS, AU LARGE. Sept gravures au burin. Typographie Philippe Robert, 20 exemplaires
1999 DHAINAUT (P), FLORE MUTINE. Sept gravures au burin accompagnées de légendes typographiées à la main par Michael Caine, 15 exemplaires
2002 LASCAULT (G), COTYLÉDONS ET AKÈNES SECRETS. Paris, Michèle Broutta Éditeur, dix gravures au burin, 30 exemplaires
2004 RIBAULT (N), LA CORDELETTE JAUNE. Paris, Michèle Broutta Éditeur, six gravures au burin, 40 exemplaires
2006 DEGROOTE (L) POUSSE, sept gravures au burin, 20 exemplaires.
2007 KHAZRAI (P), CHANTS DU JARDIN INTERDIT. Paris, Michèle Broutta Éditeur, sept gravures au burin à la pointe et au berceau, 42 exemplaires.
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