Vladimir Zbynowsky can be seen as a transmitter, the one who opens the way to mystical unknown countries. We feel like a child in an Andersen fairy tale when it discovers the four continents from above while perched on the winged wind deities : excited and impressed...
An artist communicates his vision to those who are open to it.
Technically speaking, the combination of stone and glass is a demanding and often challenging process because glass cannot be fully controlled and often has surprises in store for those who work with it.
Bettina Tschumi, curator at Musée de design et d‘arts appliqués contemporains in Lausanne, Switzerland
Born on 28 November 1964 in Bratislava, Slovakia
After completing his secondary education at the Bratislava Decorative Arts School, which focused on the art of stone, he continued his training as a sculptor at the Bratislava College of Fine Arts.
His favourite material then becomes glass. After graduating as a sculptor in 1991, he moved to France and since then he has participated in a number of exhibitions, regularly with European and international galleries and takes part in exhibitions.
Turning towards a complete glass work combining hot and cold techniques - moulding, fusion, thermoforming, direct cutting, optical cutting, polishing, bush-hammering - the artist tries to explore the immense field of possibilities offered by glass and stone materials.
The theme of his state diploma, entitled Birth of Light, as well as the cycles of creation that now follow one another: light from sidereal stone, aura from stone, spirit from stone, stones, presences, evoke the desire to combine in a sculptural way, stone and glass, gravity and transparency, opacity and luminous signs.
The creations, entitled Capteurs (blocks of optical glass adapted on granite steles) are installed outside, blend in with nature and metamorphose it. The latest research centred on the theme of the screen, questions the value of matter and the crucial incidence of light.
Read moreOne Month - One Artist is a monthly event to make you discover the artists of the gallery.
Find the one dedicated to Vladimir Zbynovsky published in March 2019, to download here
2020 Le torse d'une femme a la pureté d'un vase, grandes courbes simples d'un fruit désiré, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Participation at Art Paris 2020 with the Galerie Capazza of Nançay, from September 10th to 13th, booth D 01
2019 Galerie Capazza, personal exhibition, Nançay
2018 Participation at Art Elysées with the Galerie Capazza of Nançay, October 2018
2015 Galerie Continuum, Königswinter : Berge, Wälder und magische Orte (Mountains, forests and magical places) with Bernhard Quade and Christian Klant
Galerie Matisse Etienne, Oisterwijk, Netherlands
2013 Musée du Verre, Conches en Ouche, France
2012 Galerie Artes, Troyes, France
2011 Galerie Matisse Etienne, Oisterwijk, Netherlands
2010 Galerie Pokorna, Prague, Czech Republic
2005 Etienne & van den Doel gallery, Oisterwijk, Netherladss
2000 Galerie Rob van den Doel, La Haye, Netherlands
1998 Galerie Rob van den Doel, La Haye, Netherlands
1997 Stones aura, The Studio Glass Gallery, London, Great Britain
1996 Galerie l’Eclat du verre, Paris, France
Galerie Place des Arts, Montpellier, France
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2021 Sculpture Garden Exhibition, Galerie Dutko, Ile Saint-Louis
Enfances, collective exhibition, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
2020 Le torse d'une femme a la pureté d'un vase, grandes courbes simples d'un fruit désiré, Contemporary art journey around Auguste Rodin, Galerie Capazza Nançay
2018 Participation at Art Elysées 2018 with the Galerie Capazza of Nançay, October 18th to 22nd, booth 106 A
2015 Montagnes, Forêts et lieux magiques, Galerie Continuum, Königswinter, Germany
2014 PAN Amsterdam Galerie Continuum, Königswinter, Germany
2013 Seuils, exposition rétrospective, Musée du verre de Conches, France
2012 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Artes, Troyes, France
Bleu, Musée du verre de Conches, France
2011 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Matisse Etienne, Oisterwijk, Netherlands
Palazzo Zane-Bru, Venise, Italy
Exposition collective, Musée Würth, Erstein, France
2010 Mémoires de verre : De l'archéologie à l'art contemporain, Musée départemental des Antiquités, Rouen , France
Sculpteurs, cristal optique, Galerie Place des Arts, Montpellier, France
2009 Sculpteurs de verre tchèques et slovaques en exil, Galerie nationale (hr) de Zagreb, Croatia Glass Connection
Contemporary European Glass Sculpture, Manes Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
S'Bosch Den Bosch Art Fair, Gallery Matisse Etienne 4, s'Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
2008 Collect, Victoria & Albert Museum, Plateaux gallery, Londres, United Kingdom
Oisterwijk Sculptuur, Gallery Etienne & Van Den Doel Oisterwijk Netherlands Glass Art Fund, Vendenheim
2007 Exposition collective, Kanazawa, Japan
PAN Amsterdam, Etienne & Van Den Doel Gallery, Netherlands
2006 Art London, Plateaux Gallery, Londres, United Kingdom
Holland Art Fair Gallery Etienne & Van Den Doel, Netherlands
Exposition Internationale, Glass Coburg, Cobourg, Germany
La traversée francophone de Paris, Ambassade de la République slovaque en France, Paris, France
Art Chelsea & Art Fortnight, Plateaux Gallery, Londres, United Kingdom
2005 St'Art 2005, Galerie Petalouda, Naxos, Greece
St'Art 2005, De l'ombre à la lumière, ESGAA, Strasbourg Galerie internationale du verre à la maison Ravier, France
Morestel About Memory, Rafaël Goldchain & Vladimir Zbynovsky, Galleria Rossella Junck, Berlin, Geramany
2004 St'Art, Salon d'art de Strasbourg, ESGAA, Strasbourg, France
Exposition collective de sculptures monumentales, château de Vauville, Normandie, France
Verre tchèque, Institut tchèque de Paris, et Ambassade de République tchèque en France, Paris, France
Eternal Light, Spertus Museum, Chicago, USA
2003 Modern Masters International Trade Fair, Chambre des métiers d'art, Munich Jahresausstellung, Germany
Galerie Herrman, Drachselsried, Germany
2002 Kunstrai, Galerie Etienne & Van Den Doel, La Haye, Netherlands
Symposium de sculptures, Abbaye de Cerisy-la-Forêt, France
Venezia Vetro 2002, Galerie Rossella Junck, Venise, Italy
Consument Art 2002, Galerie in Zabo, Nuremberg, Germany
Art du verre contemporain, Centre culturel La Fontaine, Brie-Comte-Robert, France
The Judith Altman Memorial Judaica Competition, Elkins Park, USA
2001 Dialogo con la luce, Galerie nationale slovaque et Institut slovaque de Rome : exhibition in Florence and Rome, Italie
Avec la lumière, Galerie nationale slovaque et Institut slovaque de Berlin, Germany
2000 Salon international de la sculpture, Galerie internationale du verre (Biot)
Delle Transparence : le verre dans l'art contemporain français et slovaque", Château de La Roche-Guyon
SOFA Chicago, Galerie Rob van den Doel, La Haye, Netherlands
Peintres & sculpteurs slovaques, Art11/Banque Dexia, Paris
1999 Den Haag Art Fair, Galerie Rob van den Doel, La Haye, Netherlands
Milville summer, Miller Gallery, New York, USA
1998 Vladimir Zbynovsky, Galerie Rob van den Doel, La Haye, Netherlands
Sculptures de verre, Galerie Klute, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Mitteleuropa festival : verre slovaque, Ambassade de la République slovaque à Londres, United Kingdom
Le génie des verriers en Europe, Banque centrale du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Galerie Herrmann, Drachselsried, Germany
1997 Stones aura, Exposition personnelle, The Studio Glass Gallery, Londres , United Kingdom
Musicora, la Villette, Paris
Version française : Quatre artistes slovaques, Galerie du Pont Neuf, Paris, France
1996 Art tendance Sud, Fréjus, France
L'art du verre, Galerie J.C. Chapelote, Luxembourg
Triennale d'art contemporain de Nuremberg, Germany
Présence slovaque, Galerie Art & Création, Lyon, France
Les jeunes verriers slovaques, Galerie Jan Koniarek, Trnava, Slovakia
1995 Salon d'art contemporain de Strasbourg, Galerie Place des Arts
SAD Beyrouth, Institut français de Beyrouth, Liban
Glass now Yamaha 17th, Japan Transparences
Galerie Nadir (Annecy), Évian, France
1994 Verre slovaque contemporain, Riihimäki, Finland
1993 Culture et mécénat, Centre culturel des Fontaines, Chantilly , France
La magie du verre", Galerie Suzel Berna, Ville-d'Avray
Novator 1993, Troyes, France
1991 Les rencontres de Bratislava, Institut français de Bratislava, Slovakia
Read more- 1st prize, Spertus Judaica Prize, USA (2004)
- Prix de la triennale de Nuremberg (1996)
- Amber Prize (1991)
- Altar and lectern of the Basilica Cathedral of Saint-Denis (2018)
- Glass Museum of Conches (2013)
- Kurt Ernsting (de) Museum (2010)
- Glass Art Fund, vendenheim (2007-2008)
- City of Chantilly (2006)
- Glass Museum of Sars-Poteries (2006)
- Regional hotel, Languedoc-Roussillon (2003)
- Dexia Bank, Amsterdam (2001)
- Museum of the 20th Century, Kanazawa, Japan (2001)
- Regional Council, Belfort (2000)
- Slovak National Bank, Bratislava (1998)
- Bank of San Paolo, Luxembourg (1997)
- Meisenthal Museum (1996)
- Yamaha, Japan (1995)