KOLB Jean-Louis, painting, permanent artist of Galerie Capazza since 1992

Kolb has always lived the pictorial adventure as an experimentation field where pigments and bonds meet the canvas, the support. And he keep on experimenting on the “skin” of painting.

Giovanni Joppolo

To Aurore

Nature is everything we see,
Everything we want, everything we love?
Everything we know, everything we believe in,
Everything we feel deep inside.

She is beautiful to the one who sees her,
She is good to the one who loves her,
She is fair when you believe in her
And when you show her respect in yourself.

Look at the sky, he sees you,
Embrace the earth, she loves you,
The truth is what you believe
In nature it is yourself

Georges Sand


Born in 1956 in Niort.

Jean-Louis Kolb lives and works in the Var because he prefers the tranquility of the countryside to the hustle and bustle of the city.
He studied at the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs de Limoges, Art section, where he met demanding teachers with great pedagogical and human qualities.

He became friends with the historian and art critic Giovanni Joppolo who is at the origin of his career and who wrote several prefaces.
Jean-Louis Kolb completed his studies at the University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris. He has been involved in teaching the arts in France and abroad for many years. These rich and captivating experiences in the educational sector have constantly aroused his interest in interculturality. Since graduating from the Beaux-Arts, his career has been punctuated by personal and group exhibitions in France and abroad.

Jean-Louis Kolb leads by means of painting a work of color and its luminous reflection in a particular quality of texture.
The subject of the painting: the painting itself with its constituent elements. Painting confronts us with the only material experience of the painting which is presented as a block, a space of vibrations, a shimmering of colors in freedom. The surface of the canvas palpitates in the surrounding space and requires the viewer to move to better discover the thickness and all the subtleties of the changing color.
This approach is situated after abstraction and the painting is a language made of forms and non-referential signs.

Tireless traveler, in search of elsewhere and passionate about the exchanges between cultures, Jean-Louis Kolb went to discover many countries. He has a particular attraction for Asia for which he has long had a real passion. Travel is necessary: a creative activity that nourishes his own work and allows him to break the habit to stay awake.
A collector too, he has gathered during his encounters and travels many pieces of Oceanian art that today populate his daily world

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Exhibitions since 1985


2020  Le torse d'une femme a la pureté d'un vase, grandes courbes simples d'un fruit désiré, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Participation at Art Paris 2020 with the Galerie Capazza of Nançay, from September 10th to 13th, booth D 01

2019  L’arbre c’est le temps rendu visible, Galerie Capazza, Nançay  
Re-Naissance[s] – May 24th to August 25th, Hôtel Goüin, Tours  

2018 Miroir des Sentiments, Galerie Capazza, Nançay 
Participation at Art Elysées 2018 with the Galerie Capazza of Nançay, October 18th to 22nd, booth 106 A

2017  Il est grand temps de rallumer les étoiles, Galerie Capazza, Nançay

2016  Vénus et Vulcain, Galerie Capazza, Nançay
Participation at Art Elysées 2016 with the Galerie Capazza of Nançay

2015  Ensemble depuis 40 ans, Galerie Capazza, Nançay

2013  Participation at Art Elysées 2013 with the Galerie Capazza of Nançay

2012  Personal exhibition, Galerie Capazza, Nançay, France

2011  Passages, Olympic, Munich, Germany

2008  Galerie Capazza, Nançay, France

2007  Espace 150 x 295, Martil, Marocco

2001  Kolb, travaux récents, Espace Sextius, Aix-en-Provence, France

1999  Extrait, peinture / installation, Hôtel Olympic, Munich, Germany

1997  Galerie Krief, Paris, France

1996  Galerie Capazza, Nançay, France
Ex-chiesetta St Anna, République de San Marin, Italy

1995  Galerie Krief, Paris, France

1993  Galerie Krief, Paris, France
Galerie Anne-Marie Marquette, Le troisième Œil, Bordeaux/ Paris, France
Galerie Capazza, Nançay, France

1992  Galerie René Baeriswyl, Geneva, Switzerland
Galerie Anne-Marie Marquette, Le troisième OEil, Bordeaux/ Paris, France

1990  Galerie Krief, Paris, France
Musée de Beaune, France
Galerie René Baeriswiyl, Geneva, Switzerland

1989  Centre d'art contemporain de Castres, France
Galerie Anne-Marie Marquette, Le troisième oeil, Bordeaux, France
Institut Français de Naples, Italy

1988  Galerie MR, Rome, Italy

1987  RVS Fine Art, Southampton, New-York, USA
Galerie Krief-Raymond, Paris, France
Direction régionale des affaires culturelles, Limoges, France

1985  Abbaye Saint-André, Centre d'art contemporain, Meymac, France

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Public collections

- Regional fund of contemporary art of the Limousin region and Midi Pyrénées' one, France
- Beaux-Arts Museum of Beaune, France

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2012  Texte de G. Joppolo, Galerie Capazza, Nançay, F

2008  Texte de G. Joppolo, Galerie Capazza, Nançay, F

1997  «Pour extraire», Antonio d’Avossa, Galerie Krief, Paris

1990  Textes de Annette Malochet, Marion Leuba, «Jean-Louis Kolb, un peintre», musée des Beaux-Arts de Beaune, F

1989  «De chaos et de fureur», Giovanni Joppolo, «itérations» Gérard-Georges Lemaire, Direction régionale des affaires culturelles, Limoges, galerie Krief, Paris

Antonio d’Avossa, «Jean-Louis Kolb ou les raisons d’un territoire», Centre d’Art contemporain de Castres

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Press review

1998  J-F Debailleux, Libération, 20.01.1995

1997  «Pour extraire», Verso, Arts et Lettres n°6 /1997

1989  Jean-Louis Poitevin, Kanal Magazine n°5, 02.
Patrick-Gilles Persin, Cimaise, n° 200-201, 07.08

1987  Robert Hoang-Hai, Sans titre, Kanal Magazine, 6
Jean-Luc Chalumeau, Opus International, nov 1987

1986  «Les peintres à suivre», Eigthy Magazine n° 14

1985  «Le lieu matièriste», Opus International n°97 , n°118
«Une sensibilité spécifique», Pôle position n° 3

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