2021 Demeurer dans les arbres, solo show, La Ferme de la Chapelle
Salon de l’estampe contemporaine, collective exhibition, Musée du Papier Peint
2019 La nef des fous, duo exhibition with Guy Oberson and Benoît Huot, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Suisse
Passion, Bilder von der Jagd, collective exhibition, Musée des beaux-arts des Grisons, Coire, Suisse
L’Arbre, c’est le temps rendu visible, collective exhibition, Galerie Capazza, Nancay
Orbis Terrae, collective exhibition, Domus Poetica, Bellinzona, Suisse
2018 Naked clothes, solo show, Musée des beaux-arts, Le Locle, Switzerland
Art Paris, Fair with Galerie C, Grand Palais, Paris
Matière II, collective exhibition, Château de Cormondrèche, Suisse
Ame qui vive, collective exhibition, Galerue Catherine Niederhauser, Lausanne, Suisse
Somium, collective exhibition, Domus Poetica, Bellinzone, Suisse
Densité d’une absence, solo show, Fondation Eduard Vallet, Vercorin, Suisse
2017 Je ne peux fermer les yeux, solo show, Galerie de l'Etrave, Espace d'art contemporain, Thonon-les-Bains, France
Grand trouble, collective exhibition, La Halle Saint Pierre, Paris, France
73e Biennale d'art contemporain, collective exhibition, Musée des beaux-arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Chambre avec vue d'artistes, collective exhibition, Musée du papier peint, Mézières / FR, Switzerland
Solus, collective exhibition, Domus Poetica, Espace Culturel, Bellinzone, Switzerland
Drawing Now, collective exhibition, Le Carreau du Temple, Paris, France
Chutes et Floraison, solo show, Galerie Contrecontre, St-Maurice, Switzerland
2016 Eaux lointaines, solo show, Galartis / Galerie du Rhône, Sion, Switzerland
Drawing Now, collective exhibition, Paris, France
Zones Poreuses, white card to Guy Oberson, collective exhibition, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
72e Biennal of contemporary Art, collective exhibition, Musée des beaux-arts, La Chaud-de-Fond, Switzerland
Dons majeurs du Fonds Maximilien de Meuron 1916-2016, collective exhibition, Musée d'art et d'histoire, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Credo, Galerie Vincent Sator, Paris, France
Maximilien de Meuron, du rêve à l'utopie, collective exhibition, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
2015 Erreur de Paradis, solo show, Musée d'art et d'histoire de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
Semblance, Espace du Méjan, solo exhibition, Arles, France
Jäger & Sammler, collective exhibition, Villa Merkel, Esslingen, Germany
Map of the New Art, Luciano Benetton Collection, collective exhibition, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venise, Italy
2014 Terrestres, Galerie Eric Mouchet, solo exhibition, Paris, France
Jäger & Sammler, collective exhibition, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
La Vengeance de Mathilde, collective exhibition, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Drawing Now, with Galerie C, Paris, France
Piano Sketching, Performance with E. Ferlet and E. Fessenmeyer, Belleville and Châtelet theaters, Paris, France
2013 Terrestres, solo exhibition, Musée de Charmey, Charmey, Switzerland
Black out, collective exhibition, Galerie Jordan/Seydoux, Berlin, Germany
Portraits, collective exhibition, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Drawing Now, with Galerie C, Paris
2012 Perf O, Performance and solo exhibition, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Endless Walls, Infinity Sky, performance and solo exhibition, Galerie d'(A), Lausanne, Switzerland
La terre nous est étroite, Performance, Studio Edmund Alleyn, Montréal, Canada
Sous-verre, collective exhibition, Vitromusée, Romont, Switzerland
Le paysage dans tous ces états, collective exhibition, Musée de Charmey, Charmey, Switzerland
Would The Christ Have Been Gay, collective exhibition, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
XXL-XXS, collective exhibition, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
2011 Artist residency, grant from the Freiburg state, Berlin, Germany
Guy Oberson, Malerei, Uferhalle, solo exhibition, Berlin, Germany
Born, collective exhibition, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Enigmatics Fantasies, Galerie Altro Mondo, collective exhibition, Manila, The Philippines
Cri, collective exhibition, Galerie C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Shanghai Contemporary 2011, with the galerie Altro Mondo, Fair, Shanghai, China
10 ans, Flashback, Galerie Polad-Hardouin, collective exhibition, Paris,
2010 Ciels de cendre, Galerie Fallet, solo exhibition, Geneva, Switzerland
Horizons incertains, Galerie des Amis des Arts, solo exhibition, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Elévation(s), Guy Oberson and Christian Egger, Fondation Grand-Cachot-de-Vent, solo exhibition, La Chaux-du-Milieux, Switzerland
Notre besoin de consolation est impossible à rassasier, Nouveau Monde, Theater, director C. Egger, painting-performance, Fribourg, Switzerland
Guy Oberson, Galerie Artesol, solo exhibition, Soleure, Switzerland
Antoni Tàpies accompagné, Galerie Courant d'art, collective exhibition, Chévenez, Switzerland
2009 Morsures de lumière, Galerie Polad-Hardouin, solo exhibition, Paris, France
Artistes fribourgeois contemporains, Musée d'art et d'histoire de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
Murmures, Galerie de l'Hôtel de Ville, collective exhibition, Yverdon, Switzerland
2008 Salon du dessin contemporain, avec la galerie Polad-Hardouin, expositions et performance, Paris, France
Traits d'union, Galerie ô quai des arts, collective exhibition, Vevey, Switzerland
Abella - Balkert - Oberson, Galerie Jean-Jacques Hofstetter, collective exhibition, Fribourg, Switzerland
2007 Intranquille amour, Galerie Polad-Hardouin, collective exhibition, Paris, France
Salon du dessin contemporain, avec la galerie Polad-Hardouin, Paris, France
Au delà du corps, Biennale d'art contemporain, Aix-sur-Vienne, France
A fleur de peau, Galerie Fallet, solo exhibition, Genève, Switzerland
La part d'ombre, Galerie Idées d'artistes, collective exhibition, Paris, France
Oberson- Oulevay, Galerie des Amis des Arts, solo exhibition, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
2006 L'œuvre au noir, Galerie Idées d'artistes, solo exhibition, Paris, France
De craie et de chaux vive, Galerie Selz art contemporain, solo exhibition, Perrefitte, Switzerland
Traces, Galerie Fallet, collective exhibition, Geneva, Switzerland
2005 Connecté, Nouveau monde, Theater, directed by C. Egger, painting-performance, Fribourg, Switzerland
Jardin d'artiste, Festival of Science and city, Jardin botanique, intervention in situ, Fribourg, Switzerland
Oberson- Vasquez, Galerie Ferme du désert, solo exhibition, Lausanne, Switzerland
2004 Fragments d'artistes, de L. Arickx à Vélickovic, Galerie Idées d'artistes, collective exhibition, Paris, France
Guy Oberson, Galerie Nelly L'Eplattenier, solo exhibition, Lausanne, Switzerland
Oberson - Moser, Galerie Jean-Jacques Hofstetter, solo exhibition, Fribourg, Switzerland
2002 Légère intrusion, Bookstore-Gallery, Du côté de chez Swann, solo exhibition, Zurich, Switzerland
Guy Oberson, Galerie Grande Fontaine, solo exhibition, Sion, Switzerland
Terres éphémères, Comptoir Suisse, sculpture happening, Lausanne, Switzerland
2001 Guy Oberson, Galerie Jean-Jacques Hofstetter, solo exhibition, Fribourg, Switzerland
Guy Oberson, Galerie du Château, solo exhibition, Avenches, Switzerland
2000 Guy Oberson, Galerie La Schürra, solo exhibition, Pierrafortscha, Switzerland
1999 Concours Transfrontalier d'Art Plastique1999, Mairie de Divonne-les-Bains, Divonne-les-Bains, France
1998 Noir de fumée et blanc plâtre, Galerie la Tour, solo exhibition, La Tour-de-Trême, Switzerland
1997 Guy Oberson, Galerie Côté Cour, solo exhibition, Rolle, Switzerland
1996 Guy Oberson, Galerie Tzanzero, solo exhibition, Payerne, Switzerland
1991 Salon d'hiver, Galerie de la Ratière, collective exhibition, Romont, Switzerland
1988 Forum of the young Swiss Romandie Painting, Galerie de la Ratière, collective exhibition, Romont, Switzerland
Monographies and catalogues
« Passion. Bilder von der jagd », Peter Egloff et Setfan Kunz, Musée d’art des Grisons de Coire. Edition Schneidegger & Spiess AG, Zürich, 2019
« GRAND TROUBLE », Catalogue of the Halle Saint Pierre collective exhibition, Editions "Les cahiers dessinés", Paris, 2017
« GUY OBERSON, JE NE PEUX FERMER LES YEUX », text from Philippe Piguet, Analogues, Revue hebdomadaire pour l'art contemporain, no.409, Arles, France, 2017
« ZONES POREUSES, CARTE BLANCHE À GUY OBERSON », text from C. Egger, A. Nessi, G. Oberson, D. Sagardoyburu, Neuchâtel, 2016
« GUY OBERSON - SOUS LA PEAU DU MONDE », monography, texts from Alain Berset, Nancy Huston and Philippe Piguet, Editions Till Schaap Genoud, Bern, 2015
« GUY OBERSON - ERREUR DE PARADIS », Catalogue, texts from Mélanie Roh and Victor Stoichita, Musée d'art et d'histoire from Fribourg, Fribourg, 2015
« JAEGGER & SAMMLER IN DER ZEITGENOESISCHEN KUNST », Text von F. Emslander, Wienand Verlag, Köln, 2014
« GUY OBERSON, MORSURES DE LUMIÈRE, PAYSAGES ET PORTRAITS », catalogue, texts de P. Javnovjak, D. Polad-Hardouin et C. Schuster-Cordone, galerie Polad-Hardouin, Paris, 2009, réimpression, Fribourg, 2011
« INTRANQUILLE AMOUR », catalogue, textes de E. Couturier, J.-M. Hirt, M. Mine et D. Polad-Hardouin, galerie Polad-Hardouin, Paris, 2007
« AU DELÀ DU CORPS », 4ème biennale d'art contemporain, Aixe-sur-Vienne, Artension Hors-série, Lyon, 2007
« GUY OBERSON, LA TENTATION DU PORTRAIT, DESSINS ET PEINTURES 2002-2004 », textes de Jacques Sterchi, Kokto kopyright éditions, Fribourg, 2004
Artist's books
« POSER NUE», text from Nancy Huston and Guy Oberson paintings, Editions du Chemin de fer, Paris, 2017
« LA FILLE POILUE », text from Nancy Huston and Guy Oberson paintings, Les Editions du Chemin de fer, Paris, 2016
« TERRESTRES, GUY OBERSON ET NANCY HUSTON », Editions Actes Sud, Arles, 2014
« LEGÈRE INTRUSION, CORRESPONDANCE », texts and drawings from Guy Oberson and Jacques Sterchi, Kokto kopyright éditions, Zurich, 2002
« GRAND OEUVRE I, II, III, IV, CORRESPONDANCE », texts and drawings from Guy Oberson and Jacques Sterchi, Kokto kopyright editions, Zurich, 2002
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Born in 1960, in Billens, Switzerland
Lives and works in Lentigny (Switzerland), Paris (France) and Berlin (Germany)
In 1979, he took a training course in the restoration of wall paintings. He also works in the socio-educational field, particularly in the field of drug addiction. However, he never gave up his painting activity and starting in the year 2000, he decided to devote himself entirely to it.
Since 2002, he uses the black stone which becomes a particularity of his creation.
In 2011, he moved to Berlin after receiving a residency from the State of Freiburg.
From 2012, Guy Oberson develops a new theme entitled "Terrestres". In this work, he explores our relationship to nature and our animal part, sediments of our primitive behaviors, beliefs and mythologies.
Between 2013 and 2015, the works and installations resulting from "Terrestres" were exhibited at the Charmey Museum in Switzerland, the Chapelle du Méjan in Arles (France), the Mosbroïch Museum in Leverkusen and the Villa Merkel in Esslingen. They also gave rise to a publication with the eponymous title, with the participation of the writer Nancy Huston, published by Actes Sud.
At the same time, Guy Oberson continues a work begun in 2008, looking at climate change and its interactions with the economy and politics.
In 2014, he received the Bédikian Foundation Prize and in 2016 the Cultural Prize of the State of Fribourg.
Read moreThe video installation entitled Pollen presents a poetic account of the relationship and interaction between humans and other species, here principally trees and bees.
In a climate of major ecological turmoil, this narrative attempts without complacency to deliver a breath of fresh air to a story that unfolds cyclically.
To learn more about this project, click here